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Promotional Magnet Product Types

Promotional Magnet Product Types

Promotional Magnet Product Types

One of the magnet types used as the most consumed advertising product in magnet types is promotional magnet types. Promotional magnet product types are used by companies for advertising and campaign announcement purposes. Promotional magnet products are designed according to demand. The product is prepared, then the advertising campaign and the name of the brand are placed on the magnet product. So, how many types of promotional magnet products are there? Which magnet products are used as promotional magnets?


Propaganda Magnets


The use of magnets that carry the logos of political parties or pictures of candidates on vehicles during election periods or rallies is an increasingly intensified practice. Election times are preferred as an inevitable form of advertisement for parties. For the propaganda magnet type, 1 mm natural sheet or roll magnet is generally preferred.


Fridge Magnets


Refrigerator magnets are among the most preferred products for companies among the magnet types. Companies, contact addresses and names of the products that are often needed at home are written on the magnet. It is preferred by companies because it considers refrigerator magnet types. In refrigerator magnets, the preferred product in magnets is 0.4 mm natural layer magnets.


 Promosyon Magnet Ürün Çeşitleri. Propaganda magnetleri, buzdolabı magnetleri, araç magnetleri, bloknot magnetleri, termometreli magnetler